Sunday, January 24, 2010


Pictures from my Germany trip as promised, even though a little behind (work has been super busy because of the New Year). I hope everyone enjoys!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hello and Welcome

Hello Everyone!

This is my new blog to attempt to stay connected with everyone and share all my trips/news/experiences. I will try and blog as often as possible in an attempt to feel more connected to everyone. I don't feel disconnected at the moment, but I just want to feel even more connected. I hope everyone is doing well, and I hope that you all enjoy hearing about my experiences and share your thoughts/words of wisdom/encouragement. That is about it for the first blog, I will be creating another in the very near future with pictures and stories from my trip to Germany!

"Never forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours."
-Ludwig Van Beethoven